I new this guy when I first became a JW, he was about 7 years old at the time.
Here is the chat we had on Facebook, if anything is added I will add to the OP.
Happy New Year Friend .
Happy New Year, DF... all going well with you?
Yes. No longer have anything to do with JWs. So the World is geate. Hope
things r ok wirh you.
Ah, how come? Yes, everthing is great here, 4 Kids, still unmarried, and
things running quit smoothly smile emoticon
mainly the phedofiles within the organisation are protected by the elders in
all the congregations as decreed by the GB.
Hmm, as to my oppinion, particularly in the matters of child abuse the
one-witness-confession should do, thats correct... but as you know, its one
little aspect or lets say incident, which is used to gain any objection against
the jw´s... as to matters of cild abuse in itself, that would be new to me,
that something like that ever happend...
correction, had happened, and the truth never been found out..
Candice Conti and go from there. Child abuse is pandemic with JWs.
Google "Australian Royal Commission, Jehovahs Witnesses"
quiete a compicated subject...
It is complicated, thats why the JW leadership does not want its members
to research such matters. Keep them busy in Field Service, Meetings, Study,
etc. etc. IT is all part of the indoctrination and controlling its members. I
fell for it for 29 years.
Somehow it makes sense, yes, like the Catholics did wih their members,
even the people in a whole, such as " was ich nicht weiss, macht mich
nicht heiss", but... due to the internet everone can make the researches,
if they are interested in it, and to my unterstanding, one who reseaches may
also find out, the cases were won by thes two Kids, due to false testemony (I
cant really say, cause i dont know the cases), even if they won rightfully,
those "elders" most surely were disfellowshipped and maybe even still
be... Ok, may sound as if i am defending the jw´s, quite awkward, as i am not
going to meetings myself for 21 years now... i left, cause my mom forced me to
do so, she also kept the information from me, that i had the cjoice, nt with
the age of 18, but since 14... why she did that i still have no answer, but as
i am a parent myself, i raise my kids to be nice people you love to have around
you, you know, i honestly have to say, i dont know who i would be now if i hadnt
the jw background... i surely wouldnt be the person i am now..
i have lived a complete other life the last 21 years, somtimes hard,
sometimes not, as life goes... and i hate to admit that, i slowly but surely
get the glimpse of what Mom wanted to teach me, but i learned it the hard way...
nothing is left to chance, everxthing happening is happening for a
purpose, that is what my experience tought me, and i wont tell my mom, i tink
she knows already, i also have to admit, that MAYBE she was right, with the
time of the end, etc.
Sure the moral upbringing of JWs is good, I do not question that at all.
I do not say that is bad, and I am really happy that you are a stable loving
adult and attribute that to the JW upbringing is fine. JWs on the whole are
fine people, good and honest, but unfortunately grossly misled. Its is all
about mind control and the JW organisation do that really well, I mean they are
real experts. Only when you step back and distance yourself from the
organisation and reevaluate with the organisation with common sense do you
realise how absurd the whole thing is.
ok, agreed, that may be, they are all imperfect, mistakes have been made
and are being made, to me its more the whole thing its about... i vahe made the
step back, taking a objective look witht he question: Allright, who tells me,
that THEY are the only one to survive, if there will be an Armageddon? Answer
is, no ne, but myself, its a question of believing... believing the message, or
did you ever question, that you are believing in the wrong thing?
I never questioned it at all. Only when I researched how much money the
Organisation has, did I stumble on the phedophiles, the membership with the
UNO, owning 50 % shares in the company that produces the engine for the Predator
drone, environmental pollution, owning shares in many companies that deal in
weapons, that deal in porno films, the list of sins is endless and that can all
be found on the Internet. But the organisation says everything on the Internet
is lies, do not believe a word that can be read on the Internet, end
practically every JW avoids the Internet because they are ordered to do so by
the organisation. Or should we say the Borg and the JWs are the drones,
incapable of thinking for themselves because independent thinking is a sin.
I have to say, i never researched that, how the organisation makes the
money, especially when it came up in the old days, that the publications are
for free... but i can hardly believe they are having their fingers in
businesses as quoted... and you know for yourself, information no matter
wherefrom must be 100% proven, just telling, this an that is a fact is merely
thin to me, there must be more solid proof for me. and if they are making money
with stock exchange etc. etc., really... why not? i would do so aswell, problem
is winning and loosing is a chance 50/50, money always makes money, even on a
slower scale... i think that you find more negative moneymaking, if you
research that on the catholics or worse, scientology... surprisingly, everybody
knows, HOW they make money, and no one cares actually... also no option for me
to join either of them, cause they teach things i wouldnt even think of telling
my kids, especially the scientology or the mormons... catholics dont even kow
what they are teaching in their churches du to lack of bible knowledge... smile
I never accept everything I read on the Internet, I need verification,
documents, and they are available, if you want I can send you the documents, of
course I downloaded them them the Internet. As for making money on the Finance
Markets that is fine and that is not the problem. The problem is buying share
in companies that produce weapon systems and porno film, as a Christian that is
morally questionable, or does buying shares not count?. Imagine a publisher
buying shares in Raythorn, Northrop Grumman and Rheinmettal, Krauss Maffai or
RUAG or any other Weapons company and telling the elders, he would be
disfellowshipped, but that is OK for the GB, and what about porno, can you
imagine holding share in a company that produces porno films, and that basically
is what the GB has done with contributions. Tell me is that really Jehovah's
servants, does he approve of that? That cannot be attributed to a mistake, that
was a deliberate, calculated ploy. And all that is kept secret from the rank
and file JW.